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January 25, 2025
A Message From the President

  As a new member, I am sure there are many questions you have about the Teamsters Union. Understanding your Union will be extremlely important in the years to come. I urge you to become a active member of Local No. 24 and get involved. Please browse the website to get familiar with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and Local No. 24. Your degree of participation is totally up to you, from just paying your union dues, to attending the monthly membership meetings, or participating on the volunteer organizing committee.  It's your choice. There will always be room for you and we welcome new ideas. There are plenty of activities going on from attending Rallies on the War on Workers, Labor Day Parades or Phone Banking. Just ask, how can I help. 

  To become a member in good standing, you must take your oath of obligation. To accomplish this, attend our next Regular Meeting, or just schedule a time to come to the union office. I hope you will take an interest in your union and actively support your worksite Union Stewards. Working together, we can help insure equity on the job. The strength of Local No. 24 at your company is a direct reflections of the unity and participation of you, the members. If you have any questions, please let me know. The Union office is open from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The telephone number is (234) 888-0848.

   To the rest of my Brothers and Sisters of Local No. 24, as you already know, were standing on the shoulders of our retirees who came before us and now its our turn to build on that legacy. Our fight is different in alot of ways, but never forget, its still a fight and we can't win without you. If there is anything that your Union can do for you. We have one rule - just ask.  


Travis W. Bornstein
Teamsters Local No. 24

Contact Elected Officials!
Weather Report
Local No. 24 History of Elections
Updated On: Dec 03, 2015


October 21, 1941 – APPLICATION FOR CHARTER – 10/21/41
Filed by General Organizer, Edward F. Murphy
“Freight Drivers, Dockworkers and Helpers, Local Union 24”

Names on Application:
Jerry Hyder                                        Leonard McMasters
Harry Gowin                                       John Hutchison
Howard Sheets                                    George Curtis
Kenneth Burke

November 17, 1941 – OFFICERS ELECTION REPORT – DATED 11/15/41
Term Beginning:  11/17/41 ------ Ending:  1/1/44

          President ------------------------- Howard Sheets
          Vice President------------------ George Curtis (Red) – All States Freight
          Secretary-Treasurer-------- Warren Buchwalter – Motor Cargo
          Recording Secretary--------- Theodore Bahry – Motor Express
          Trustee, 3 years---------------- Glenn Lowry – CCC
          Trustee, 2 years---------------- Joseph Erslan – Motor Express
          Trustee, 1 year------------------ Adam Greiser – Red Star
          Business Agent------------------ Kenneth Burke

Regular Meeting Sunday, December 13, 1942 – We elected George Allshouse, President to succeed Howard Sheets who is in the Army and Kenneth Burke, 3 year Trustee, as the 1 year term has expired for Adam Greiser.

Note:  The letterhead shows address:  349 East South Street
Telephone – Hemlock 8126-7
W.F. Buchwalter – Secretary-Treasurer & Business Manager
Kenneth Burke – Business Representative

Term Beginning:  14/5/43 ----- Ending:  Receivership under Edward F. Murphy, General Organizer

          President----------------------------- Howard Sheets
          Vice President--------------------- Army
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary------------ Theodore Bahry
          Trustee, 3 years------------------- Kenneth Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------- Donald Allebach
          Trustee, 1 year-------------------- Glenn Lowry
          Business Agent-------------------- Kenneth Burke

Term Beginning: Receivership under Edward F. Murphy, General Organzier

          President----------------------------- Joseph Erslan              
          Vice President--------------------- Jerry Hider
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
           Recording Secretary----------- Theodore Bahry
           Trustee, 3 years------------------ Kenneth Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------- Donald Allebach
          Trustee, 1 year--------------------- Glenn Lowry
          Business Agent--------------------- Kenneth Burke

September 12, 1948 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT (349 E. South Street)
Term Beginning:  10/1/48 ----- Ending:  9/30/53 (5 Year Term of Office)

          President----------------------------- Joseph Erslan
          Vice President--------------------- Jerry Hider
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary------------ Theodore Bahry
          Trustee, 3 years------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------- Glenn Lowry
          Trustee, 1 year--------------------- Donald Allebach
          Business Agent--------------------- Kenneth Burke

May 15, 1949 – Business Agent, George Allshouse

April 13, 1950Unexpired term of Donald Allshouse – Trustee 3 years – Arthur Roadruck

December 28, 1951 – Term Beginning:  1/1/52 – Ending:   12/31/53

          Vice President-------------------- George Allshouse
          Trustee, 3 years ----------------- Harry Hunton
          Business Agent ------------------ George Allshouse
          Business Agent------------------- Otto P. Moyer

December 8, 1952 – OFFICE ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/53 THRU 12/31/55

          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Glenn Lowry

December 12, 1952 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT -     marked “Corrected Copy”
Term Beginning:  1/1/49 ----- Ending:  12/31/53

          President--------------------------- Joseph Erslan
          Vice President-------------------- Gerald Hider
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary----------- Theodore Bahry
          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Kenneth Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------ Glenn Lowry
          Trustee, 1 year------------------- Donald Allebach
          Business Agent------------------- Kenneth Burke

December 28, 1952 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – marked “Corrected Copy”
Term Beginning:  1/1/52 ----- Ending:  12/31/53

          Vice President-------------------- George Allshouse
          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Harry Hunton|
          Business Agent------------------- George Allshouse
          Business Agent------------------- O.P. Moyer

December 3, 1953 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/54 thru 1/31/58 (5 yrs?)

          President--------------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Vice President-------------------- George Allshouse
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary----------- Theodore Bahry
Trustee, 5 years------------------ Thomas Gosser
          Trustee, 2 years------------------ Glenn Lowry
          Trustee, 1 year------------------- Harry Hunton
          Business Agent------------------- Thomas W. Neal


          1/1/55 thru 12/31/56 – Trustee, 3 years ------ Harry Hunton
1/1/56 thru  12/31/57 – Trustee, 1 year ------ Glenn Lowry

December 28, 1956 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/57  thru 12/31/59

          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Harry Hunton

          Resigned:  Thomas Neal, Business Agent, December 1st

          Term was 1/1/54 to 12/31/58

December 12, 1957 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/58 thru 12/31/60

          Trustee, 3 years -------------- Glenn Lowry
          Business Agent---------------- John J. Hutchinson, appointed 5/1/57 For unexpired term of Thomas  Neal, who resigned 12/31/56

December 1, 1958 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/59 THRU 12/31/63 (5 years)

          President & Business Agent-------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Vice President & Business Agent------- George G. Allshouse
          Secretary-Treasurer & Bus Agent---- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary------------------------ Jack E. Henry              
          Trustee, 3 years------------------------------ Thomas Gosser, Jr.  (Term 1/1/59 to 12/31/61)
          Business Agent------------------------------- John Hutchinson (Term 1/1/59 to 12/31/63)

January 27, 1960 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/59 thru 12/31/62

          Trustee, 3 years------------------------------ Oscar Harold (replacing Harry Hunton)

January 4, 1961 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/59 thru 12/31/62

          President--------------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Vice President--------------------George G. Allshouse
          Secretary-Treasurer--------- Thomas E. Gosser (replacing W.F. Buchwalter)
          Recording Secretary---------- Jack Henry
          Trustee, 3 years----------------- Oscar Harold (Term 1/1/60 to 12/31/62)
          Trustee, 2 years----------------- Thomas E. Gosser (Term 1/1/59 to 12/31/61)
          Trustee, 1 year------------------- Theodore Bahry (replaced Glenn Lowry)
          Business Agent------------------- John Hutchinson

August 21, 1961 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – Following was appointed June 19, 1961
Term ended December 31, 1962

Term Beginning:  1961 ? ---------------------------- Ending:  12/31/62

          President----------------------------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
Vice President--------------------------------- George G. Allshouse
Secretary – Treasurer--------------------- Thomas E. Gosser (Unexpired term)
Recording Secretary------------------------ Eldon Carr (unexpired term)
Trustee  ------------------------------------------ William Finn
Trustee  ------------------------------------------ Theodore Bahry
Trustee ------------------------------------------ Oscar Harold
Business Agent------------------------------- James B. Goff (unexpired term)

Term Beginning:  January 1963 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1965

          President---------------------------------------- Oscar Harold
Vice President-------------------------------- Richard A. Collinson
          Secretary-Treasurer----------------------- George Harris
          Recording Secretary ----------------------- Elden Carr
          Trustee ------------------------------------------ Frank Laury
          Trustee  ----------------------------------------- William Finn (unexpired term)
Trustee  ----------------------------------------- Theodore Bahry (unexpired term)
Business Agent------------------------------- James B. Goff
Business Agent------------------------------- Paul W. Williams

Term Beginning:  December 1963 – 2 year term ---- Ending:  December 31, 1965

          Recording Secretary----------------------- Charles A. McDonough
Trustee ------------------------------------------ Jerome E. Keller

Term Beginning:  December 1964 – 1 year term ---- Ending:  December 31, 1965

          Trustee ---------------------------------------- Donald D’Agostine

Term Beginning:  January 1966 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1968

          President/Business Agent----------------- Oscar Harold
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Richard A. Collinson
Secretary Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Evoir Parsell, Jr.
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Donald D’Agostine
          Trustee --------------------------------------------- Fred Lauro
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Jack Thompson
          Business Agent --------------------------------- George Harris
          Business Agent --------------------------------  Walter Klayko
          Business Agent---------------------------------- Paul Williams

Note: George Harris was Secretary-Treasurer and is now Business Agent.  Thomas E. Gosser was Business Agent and is now Secretary-Treasurer. James B. Goff replaced by Walter Klayko.

Term Beginning:  January 1969 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1971

          President/Business Agent------------------ Kenneth A. Burke
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter A. Klayko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus.Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- John P. Grof
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Claude Charles Reed
Trustee --------------------------------------------- Robert Campbell
Trustee --------------------------------------------- Ralph I. Jones
 Business Agent---------------------------------- Joshua T. Jewell
Business Agent---------------------------------- Marvin L. Collinson
Business Agent---------------------------------- John G. Ferrone

Term Beginning:  January 1972 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1974

          President/Business Agent------------------ Donald D’Agostine
          Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter Kalyko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- Thomas E. Gosser
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Evoir Parsell, Jr.
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Claude Charles Reed
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Richard Breedlove
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Frank Laury
Business Agent---------------------------------- Oscar Harold
Business Agent---------------------------------- Marvin Collison
Business Agent---------------------------------- John P. Grof

August 1, 1972 – Jake Adams appointed Trustee to replace Trustee Charles Reed who transferred to Local 92.

          1972 – New Business Agent appointed ------ Leonard E. Kinzel.
1972 – New Business Agent appointed ------ Philip W. Horne, III

Term Beginning:  January 1975 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1977

          President/Business Agent------------------ Richard A. Collinson
Vice President/Business Agent---------- James M. Boyce, Jr.
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Daniel Evans, Jr.
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Gerald Holbrook
Trustee --------------------------------------------- John M. Mozena
Business Agent---------------------------------- Marvin L. Collinson
Business Agent---------------------------------- Milton L. Fletcher
Business Agent---------------------------------- John P. Grof
Business Agent---------------------------------- Philip W. Horne, Jr.
Business Agent---------------------------------- Leonard E. Kinzel

Term Beginning:  January 1978 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1980

          President/Business Agent----------------- Philip W. Horne, Jr.
          Vice President/Business Agent---------- Leonard E. Kinzel
          Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Robin English
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Frank P. Laury
          Trustee -------------------------------------------- Gerald Holbrook
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- John M. Mozena
          Business Agent--------------------------------- Jake Q. Adams
          Business Agent--------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
          Business Agent--------------------------------- Donald D’Agostine
Business Agent--------------------------------- John P. Grof
Business Agent--------------------------------- Walter A. Klayko

Term Beginning:  January 1981 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1983

          President/Business Agent----------------- Philip W. Horne, Jr.
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Leonard E. Kinzel
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent ------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Robin English
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Paul Huffman
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Fred Lauro
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Dale Richards
Business Agent---------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
Business Agent---------------------------------- Walter Klayko
Business Agent---------------------------------- Gerald Holbrook

Note:  July 1981 --- Business Agent, Gerald Holbrook was laid off.  1982 --- Business Agent Walter Klayko and Richard Breedlove were laid off. December 1982 --- Dale Richards transferred to Local 92 and Malcolm Made was Appointed to unexpired term as Trustee.

Term Beginning:  January 1984 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1986

          President/Business Agent------------------ John M. Mozena
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter Klayko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Randy Hite
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- William J. Long
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Anthony R. Schaffer, Jr. 
No Business Agents

Term Beginning:  January 1987 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1989

          President/Business Agent----------------- John M. Mozena
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter Klayko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Randy Hite
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Michael W. Fleming
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Albert T. Flitcraft
Trustee  ------------------------------------------- William J. Long
Business Agent--------------------------------- Richard D. Breedlove

Term Beginning:  January 1990------------------- Ending:  December 31, 1992

          President/Business Agent----------------- John M. Mozena
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Malcolm W. Mader
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Randy Hite
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Michael W. Fleming
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Albert T. Flitcraft
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- William J. Long
Business Agent---------------------------------- Richard D. Breedlove

Note:  May 8, 1991 Recording Secretary, Randy Hite, retired and replaced by Albert T. Flitcraft. Trustee, William J. Long, retired. Two Trustees appointed ----- Allen Fillingim and Kevin King.

Term Beginning:  January 1993------------------- Ending:  December 31, 1995

          President/Business Agent------------------ John M. Mozena
          Vice President/Business Agent---------- Malcolm W. Mader
          Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- John P. Grof
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Harry Whitcraft
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Kevin King 
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Bill Leemaster    
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Jack Widmer
          No Business Agents

September 1, 1993 – Special Election for One (1) Business Agent ----- Ending December 31, 1995

          Business Agent------------------------------- Jake Adams

          September 1, 1993 – Bill Leemasters transferred to Local 407 and Rick Violet was appointed to fill unexpired term.

          August 31, 1994 ---- Secretary-Treasurer, John P. Grof, retired.  Malcolm Mader appointed to fill  unexpired term of John Grof.

          August 31, 1994 ---- Vice President/Business Agent, Kevin King, appointed for unexpired term of Malcolm Mader.

          Trustee ---- James P. Grof appointed for unexpired term of Kevin King.

Term Beginning:  January 1, 1996--------------- Ending:  December 31, 1998

          President/Business Agent------------------ Jake Adams
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Harry Whitcraft
          Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Jack J. Widmer
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Al Stapleton
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Jerry Lamm
          Trustee --------------------------------------------- Dan Kolasky
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Bill Rhine
          Business Agent----------------------------------- Travis W. Bornstein
Business Agent----------------------------------- Kenneth A. Ramser

Term Beginning:  January 1, 1999 --------------- Ending:  December 31, 2001

          President/Business Agent------------------------Travis W. Bornstein
Vice President/Business Agent----------------Michael W. Fleming
Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent- ----Malcolm W. Mader
Recording Secretary--------------------------------Kevin V. King
Trustee  --------------------------------------------------Terrance R. Maxwell
Trustee  --------------------------------------------------James H. Harris, Jr.
Trustee  --------------------------------------------------David O. McLaughlin
Business Agent----------------------------------------David M. Richards

June 15, 1999 – Special Election for One (1) Business Agent Ending:  December 31, 2001

          Business Agent------------------------------- Kenneth A. Ramser

Note: December 20th, 1999 --- Trustee, David McLaughlin, retired and Frank Bruening was appointed to unexpired term as Trustee. Michael W. Fleming retired 10/31/01. David M. Richards was appointed to unexpired term as Vice President effective 11/1/01.

Term Beginning:  January 1, 2002--------------- Ending:  December 31, 2004

President/Business Agent----------------- Travis W. Bornstein
Vice President/Business Agent---------- David M. Richards
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Kenneth A. Ramser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Kevin King
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Ron Arms
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Ed Dodson
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- James Harris
Business Agent --------------------------------- Rick Violet

Note: September 2002 – Business Agent Rick Violet laid off. April 1, 2003 --- Trustee James Harris resigned, and Boyce Greene was appointed to unexpired term as Trustee.

Term Beginning:  January 1, 2005--------------Ending:  December 31, 2007

          President/Business Agent----------------------Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President/Business Agent--------------David M. Richards
          Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent----Kenneth A. Ramser
          Recording Secretary------------------------------Kevin King
          Trustee -------------------------------------------------Ron Arms
          Trustee -------------------------------------------------Ed Dodson
          Trustee -------------------------------------------------Boyce Greene

Term beginning: January 1, 2008 -------- Ending: December 31, 2010

          President/Business Agent ----------------------------- Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President/Business Agent --------------------- David M. Richards
Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent ----------- Kenneth A. Ramsier
          Recording Secretary ------------------------------------- Kevin V. King
          Trustee --------------------------------------------------------- Ronald D. Arms
          Trustee --------------------------------------------------------- Boyce Greene
          Trustee --------------------------------------------------------- Randy Jarvis

Note: Ronald Arms, Trustee resigned 12/31/08. Replaced with Jason Decker. Ken Ramsier retired 1/31/09. Dave Richards became Secretary Treasurer, Kevin King became Vice President, Jason Decker became Recording Secretary, George Meade became a Trustee.

Term beginning: January 1, 2011 --------- Ending: December 31, 2013

          President/Business Agent --------------------------- Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President ----------------------------------------------Kevin King
          Secretary Treasurer/Business Agent ---------- David M. Richards
          Recording Secretary ------------------------------------ Jason Decker
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------- Boyce Greene
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------------------Randy Jarvis
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------- George Meade

Note: Jason Decker resigned 8/30/11. Boyce Greene was appointed Recording Secretary for the
             unexpired term effective 9/1/11.
Cliff Roberts was appointed to Trustee effective 9/1/11.

March 2012 Special Election held for one (1) Business Agent/Organizer

          Business Agent ---------------------------------- David Richmond

Note:  Randy Jarvis resigned as Trustee effective 11/1/13. Brian Gibson was appointed the unexpired term effective 11/1/13.

Term beginning: January 1, 2014 ---------- Ending: December 31, 2016

          President/Business Agent-------------------------Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President-------------------------------------------------Kevin King
          Secretary Treasurer/Business Agent--------------David M. Richards
          Recording Secretary---------------------------------------Boyce Greene
          Trustee------------------------------------------------------George Meade
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------Cliff Roberts
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------Brian Gibson
          Business Agent/Organizer-----------------------------David Richmond



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