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Teamsters Local No. 24
Local No. 24 History of Elections
Updated On: Dec 03, 2015


October 21, 1941 – APPLICATION FOR CHARTER – 10/21/41
Filed by General Organizer, Edward F. Murphy
“Freight Drivers, Dockworkers and Helpers, Local Union 24”

Names on Application:
Jerry Hyder                                        Leonard McMasters
Harry Gowin                                       John Hutchison
Howard Sheets                                    George Curtis
Kenneth Burke

November 17, 1941 – OFFICERS ELECTION REPORT – DATED 11/15/41
Term Beginning:  11/17/41 ------ Ending:  1/1/44

          President ------------------------- Howard Sheets
          Vice President------------------ George Curtis (Red) – All States Freight
          Secretary-Treasurer-------- Warren Buchwalter – Motor Cargo
          Recording Secretary--------- Theodore Bahry – Motor Express
          Trustee, 3 years---------------- Glenn Lowry – CCC
          Trustee, 2 years---------------- Joseph Erslan – Motor Express
          Trustee, 1 year------------------ Adam Greiser – Red Star
          Business Agent------------------ Kenneth Burke

Regular Meeting Sunday, December 13, 1942 – We elected George Allshouse, President to succeed Howard Sheets who is in the Army and Kenneth Burke, 3 year Trustee, as the 1 year term has expired for Adam Greiser.

Note:  The letterhead shows address:  349 East South Street
Telephone – Hemlock 8126-7
W.F. Buchwalter – Secretary-Treasurer & Business Manager
Kenneth Burke – Business Representative

Term Beginning:  14/5/43 ----- Ending:  Receivership under Edward F. Murphy, General Organizer

          President----------------------------- Howard Sheets
          Vice President--------------------- Army
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary------------ Theodore Bahry
          Trustee, 3 years------------------- Kenneth Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------- Donald Allebach
          Trustee, 1 year-------------------- Glenn Lowry
          Business Agent-------------------- Kenneth Burke

Term Beginning: Receivership under Edward F. Murphy, General Organzier

          President----------------------------- Joseph Erslan              
          Vice President--------------------- Jerry Hider
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
           Recording Secretary----------- Theodore Bahry
           Trustee, 3 years------------------ Kenneth Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------- Donald Allebach
          Trustee, 1 year--------------------- Glenn Lowry
          Business Agent--------------------- Kenneth Burke

September 12, 1948 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT (349 E. South Street)
Term Beginning:  10/1/48 ----- Ending:  9/30/53 (5 Year Term of Office)

          President----------------------------- Joseph Erslan
          Vice President--------------------- Jerry Hider
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary------------ Theodore Bahry
          Trustee, 3 years------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------- Glenn Lowry
          Trustee, 1 year--------------------- Donald Allebach
          Business Agent--------------------- Kenneth Burke

May 15, 1949 – Business Agent, George Allshouse

April 13, 1950Unexpired term of Donald Allshouse – Trustee 3 years – Arthur Roadruck

December 28, 1951 – Term Beginning:  1/1/52 – Ending:   12/31/53

          Vice President-------------------- George Allshouse
          Trustee, 3 years ----------------- Harry Hunton
          Business Agent ------------------ George Allshouse
          Business Agent------------------- Otto P. Moyer

December 8, 1952 – OFFICE ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/53 THRU 12/31/55

          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Glenn Lowry

December 12, 1952 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT -     marked “Corrected Copy”
Term Beginning:  1/1/49 ----- Ending:  12/31/53

          President--------------------------- Joseph Erslan
          Vice President-------------------- Gerald Hider
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary----------- Theodore Bahry
          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Kenneth Burke
          Trustee, 2 years------------------ Glenn Lowry
          Trustee, 1 year------------------- Donald Allebach
          Business Agent------------------- Kenneth Burke

December 28, 1952 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – marked “Corrected Copy”
Term Beginning:  1/1/52 ----- Ending:  12/31/53

          Vice President-------------------- George Allshouse
          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Harry Hunton|
          Business Agent------------------- George Allshouse
          Business Agent------------------- O.P. Moyer

December 3, 1953 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/54 thru 1/31/58 (5 yrs?)

          President--------------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Vice President-------------------- George Allshouse
          Secretary-Treasurer----------- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary----------- Theodore Bahry
Trustee, 5 years------------------ Thomas Gosser
          Trustee, 2 years------------------ Glenn Lowry
          Trustee, 1 year------------------- Harry Hunton
          Business Agent------------------- Thomas W. Neal


          1/1/55 thru 12/31/56 – Trustee, 3 years ------ Harry Hunton
1/1/56 thru  12/31/57 – Trustee, 1 year ------ Glenn Lowry

December 28, 1956 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/57  thru 12/31/59

          Trustee, 3 years------------------ Harry Hunton

          Resigned:  Thomas Neal, Business Agent, December 1st

          Term was 1/1/54 to 12/31/58

December 12, 1957 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/58 thru 12/31/60

          Trustee, 3 years -------------- Glenn Lowry
          Business Agent---------------- John J. Hutchinson, appointed 5/1/57 For unexpired term of Thomas  Neal, who resigned 12/31/56

December 1, 1958 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/59 THRU 12/31/63 (5 years)

          President & Business Agent-------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Vice President & Business Agent------- George G. Allshouse
          Secretary-Treasurer & Bus Agent---- W.F. Buchwalter
          Recording Secretary------------------------ Jack E. Henry              
          Trustee, 3 years------------------------------ Thomas Gosser, Jr.  (Term 1/1/59 to 12/31/61)
          Business Agent------------------------------- John Hutchinson (Term 1/1/59 to 12/31/63)

January 27, 1960 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/59 thru 12/31/62

          Trustee, 3 years------------------------------ Oscar Harold (replacing Harry Hunton)

January 4, 1961 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – 1/1/59 thru 12/31/62

          President--------------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
          Vice President--------------------George G. Allshouse
          Secretary-Treasurer--------- Thomas E. Gosser (replacing W.F. Buchwalter)
          Recording Secretary---------- Jack Henry
          Trustee, 3 years----------------- Oscar Harold (Term 1/1/60 to 12/31/62)
          Trustee, 2 years----------------- Thomas E. Gosser (Term 1/1/59 to 12/31/61)
          Trustee, 1 year------------------- Theodore Bahry (replaced Glenn Lowry)
          Business Agent------------------- John Hutchinson

August 21, 1961 – OFFICIAL ELECTION REPORT – Following was appointed June 19, 1961
Term ended December 31, 1962

Term Beginning:  1961 ? ---------------------------- Ending:  12/31/62

          President----------------------------------------- Kenneth A. Burke
Vice President--------------------------------- George G. Allshouse
Secretary – Treasurer--------------------- Thomas E. Gosser (Unexpired term)
Recording Secretary------------------------ Eldon Carr (unexpired term)
Trustee  ------------------------------------------ William Finn
Trustee  ------------------------------------------ Theodore Bahry
Trustee ------------------------------------------ Oscar Harold
Business Agent------------------------------- James B. Goff (unexpired term)

Term Beginning:  January 1963 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1965

          President---------------------------------------- Oscar Harold
Vice President-------------------------------- Richard A. Collinson
          Secretary-Treasurer----------------------- George Harris
          Recording Secretary ----------------------- Elden Carr
          Trustee ------------------------------------------ Frank Laury
          Trustee  ----------------------------------------- William Finn (unexpired term)
Trustee  ----------------------------------------- Theodore Bahry (unexpired term)
Business Agent------------------------------- James B. Goff
Business Agent------------------------------- Paul W. Williams

Term Beginning:  December 1963 – 2 year term ---- Ending:  December 31, 1965

          Recording Secretary----------------------- Charles A. McDonough
Trustee ------------------------------------------ Jerome E. Keller

Term Beginning:  December 1964 – 1 year term ---- Ending:  December 31, 1965

          Trustee ---------------------------------------- Donald D’Agostine

Term Beginning:  January 1966 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1968

          President/Business Agent----------------- Oscar Harold
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Richard A. Collinson
Secretary Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Evoir Parsell, Jr.
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Donald D’Agostine
          Trustee --------------------------------------------- Fred Lauro
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Jack Thompson
          Business Agent --------------------------------- George Harris
          Business Agent --------------------------------  Walter Klayko
          Business Agent---------------------------------- Paul Williams

Note: George Harris was Secretary-Treasurer and is now Business Agent.  Thomas E. Gosser was Business Agent and is now Secretary-Treasurer. James B. Goff replaced by Walter Klayko.

Term Beginning:  January 1969 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1971

          President/Business Agent------------------ Kenneth A. Burke
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter A. Klayko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus.Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- John P. Grof
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Claude Charles Reed
Trustee --------------------------------------------- Robert Campbell
Trustee --------------------------------------------- Ralph I. Jones
 Business Agent---------------------------------- Joshua T. Jewell
Business Agent---------------------------------- Marvin L. Collinson
Business Agent---------------------------------- John G. Ferrone

Term Beginning:  January 1972 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1974

          President/Business Agent------------------ Donald D’Agostine
          Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter Kalyko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- Thomas E. Gosser
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Evoir Parsell, Jr.
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Claude Charles Reed
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Richard Breedlove
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Frank Laury
Business Agent---------------------------------- Oscar Harold
Business Agent---------------------------------- Marvin Collison
Business Agent---------------------------------- John P. Grof

August 1, 1972 – Jake Adams appointed Trustee to replace Trustee Charles Reed who transferred to Local 92.

          1972 – New Business Agent appointed ------ Leonard E. Kinzel.
1972 – New Business Agent appointed ------ Philip W. Horne, III

Term Beginning:  January 1975 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1977

          President/Business Agent------------------ Richard A. Collinson
Vice President/Business Agent---------- James M. Boyce, Jr.
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Daniel Evans, Jr.
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Gerald Holbrook
Trustee --------------------------------------------- John M. Mozena
Business Agent---------------------------------- Marvin L. Collinson
Business Agent---------------------------------- Milton L. Fletcher
Business Agent---------------------------------- John P. Grof
Business Agent---------------------------------- Philip W. Horne, Jr.
Business Agent---------------------------------- Leonard E. Kinzel

Term Beginning:  January 1978 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1980

          President/Business Agent----------------- Philip W. Horne, Jr.
          Vice President/Business Agent---------- Leonard E. Kinzel
          Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Thomas E. Gosser
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Robin English
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Frank P. Laury
          Trustee -------------------------------------------- Gerald Holbrook
          Trustee  -------------------------------------------- John M. Mozena
          Business Agent--------------------------------- Jake Q. Adams
          Business Agent--------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
          Business Agent--------------------------------- Donald D’Agostine
Business Agent--------------------------------- John P. Grof
Business Agent--------------------------------- Walter A. Klayko

Term Beginning:  January 1981 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1983

          President/Business Agent----------------- Philip W. Horne, Jr.
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Leonard E. Kinzel
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent ------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Robin English
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Paul Huffman
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Fred Lauro
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Dale Richards
Business Agent---------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
Business Agent---------------------------------- Walter Klayko
Business Agent---------------------------------- Gerald Holbrook

Note:  July 1981 --- Business Agent, Gerald Holbrook was laid off.  1982 --- Business Agent Walter Klayko and Richard Breedlove were laid off. December 1982 --- Dale Richards transferred to Local 92 and Malcolm Made was Appointed to unexpired term as Trustee.

Term Beginning:  January 1984 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1986

          President/Business Agent------------------ John M. Mozena
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter Klayko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Randy Hite
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Richard C. Breedlove
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- William J. Long
Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Anthony R. Schaffer, Jr. 
No Business Agents

Term Beginning:  January 1987 ------------------ Ending:  December 31, 1989

          President/Business Agent----------------- John M. Mozena
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Walter Klayko
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Randy Hite
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Michael W. Fleming
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Albert T. Flitcraft
Trustee  ------------------------------------------- William J. Long
Business Agent--------------------------------- Richard D. Breedlove

Term Beginning:  January 1990------------------- Ending:  December 31, 1992

          President/Business Agent----------------- John M. Mozena
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Malcolm W. Mader
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- John P. Grof
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Randy Hite
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Michael W. Fleming
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Albert T. Flitcraft
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- William J. Long
Business Agent---------------------------------- Richard D. Breedlove

Note:  May 8, 1991 Recording Secretary, Randy Hite, retired and replaced by Albert T. Flitcraft. Trustee, William J. Long, retired. Two Trustees appointed ----- Allen Fillingim and Kevin King.

Term Beginning:  January 1993------------------- Ending:  December 31, 1995

          President/Business Agent------------------ John M. Mozena
          Vice President/Business Agent---------- Malcolm W. Mader
          Secretary-Treasurer/Bus. Agent------- John P. Grof
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Harry Whitcraft
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Kevin King 
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Bill Leemaster    
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Jack Widmer
          No Business Agents

September 1, 1993 – Special Election for One (1) Business Agent ----- Ending December 31, 1995

          Business Agent------------------------------- Jake Adams

          September 1, 1993 – Bill Leemasters transferred to Local 407 and Rick Violet was appointed to fill unexpired term.

          August 31, 1994 ---- Secretary-Treasurer, John P. Grof, retired.  Malcolm Mader appointed to fill  unexpired term of John Grof.

          August 31, 1994 ---- Vice President/Business Agent, Kevin King, appointed for unexpired term of Malcolm Mader.

          Trustee ---- James P. Grof appointed for unexpired term of Kevin King.

Term Beginning:  January 1, 1996--------------- Ending:  December 31, 1998

          President/Business Agent------------------ Jake Adams
Vice President/Business Agent---------- Harry Whitcraft
          Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Jack J. Widmer
          Recording Secretary-------------------------- Al Stapleton
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Jerry Lamm
          Trustee --------------------------------------------- Dan Kolasky
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------- Bill Rhine
          Business Agent----------------------------------- Travis W. Bornstein
Business Agent----------------------------------- Kenneth A. Ramser

Term Beginning:  January 1, 1999 --------------- Ending:  December 31, 2001

          President/Business Agent------------------------Travis W. Bornstein
Vice President/Business Agent----------------Michael W. Fleming
Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent- ----Malcolm W. Mader
Recording Secretary--------------------------------Kevin V. King
Trustee  --------------------------------------------------Terrance R. Maxwell
Trustee  --------------------------------------------------James H. Harris, Jr.
Trustee  --------------------------------------------------David O. McLaughlin
Business Agent----------------------------------------David M. Richards

June 15, 1999 – Special Election for One (1) Business Agent Ending:  December 31, 2001

          Business Agent------------------------------- Kenneth A. Ramser

Note: December 20th, 1999 --- Trustee, David McLaughlin, retired and Frank Bruening was appointed to unexpired term as Trustee. Michael W. Fleming retired 10/31/01. David M. Richards was appointed to unexpired term as Vice President effective 11/1/01.

Term Beginning:  January 1, 2002--------------- Ending:  December 31, 2004

President/Business Agent----------------- Travis W. Bornstein
Vice President/Business Agent---------- David M. Richards
Secretary-Treasurer/Bus Agent-------- Kenneth A. Ramser
Recording Secretary-------------------------- Kevin King
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Ron Arms
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- Ed Dodson
Trustee  -------------------------------------------- James Harris
Business Agent --------------------------------- Rick Violet

Note: September 2002 – Business Agent Rick Violet laid off. April 1, 2003 --- Trustee James Harris resigned, and Boyce Greene was appointed to unexpired term as Trustee.

Term Beginning:  January 1, 2005--------------Ending:  December 31, 2007

          President/Business Agent----------------------Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President/Business Agent--------------David M. Richards
          Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent----Kenneth A. Ramser
          Recording Secretary------------------------------Kevin King
          Trustee -------------------------------------------------Ron Arms
          Trustee -------------------------------------------------Ed Dodson
          Trustee -------------------------------------------------Boyce Greene

Term beginning: January 1, 2008 -------- Ending: December 31, 2010

          President/Business Agent ----------------------------- Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President/Business Agent --------------------- David M. Richards
Secretary-Treasurer/Business Agent ----------- Kenneth A. Ramsier
          Recording Secretary ------------------------------------- Kevin V. King
          Trustee --------------------------------------------------------- Ronald D. Arms
          Trustee --------------------------------------------------------- Boyce Greene
          Trustee --------------------------------------------------------- Randy Jarvis

Note: Ronald Arms, Trustee resigned 12/31/08. Replaced with Jason Decker. Ken Ramsier retired 1/31/09. Dave Richards became Secretary Treasurer, Kevin King became Vice President, Jason Decker became Recording Secretary, George Meade became a Trustee.

Term beginning: January 1, 2011 --------- Ending: December 31, 2013

          President/Business Agent --------------------------- Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President ----------------------------------------------Kevin King
          Secretary Treasurer/Business Agent ---------- David M. Richards
          Recording Secretary ------------------------------------ Jason Decker
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------- Boyce Greene
          Trustee  --------------------------------------------------------Randy Jarvis
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------- George Meade

Note: Jason Decker resigned 8/30/11. Boyce Greene was appointed Recording Secretary for the
             unexpired term effective 9/1/11.
Cliff Roberts was appointed to Trustee effective 9/1/11.

March 2012 Special Election held for one (1) Business Agent/Organizer

          Business Agent ---------------------------------- David Richmond

Note:  Randy Jarvis resigned as Trustee effective 11/1/13. Brian Gibson was appointed the unexpired term effective 11/1/13.

Term beginning: January 1, 2014 ---------- Ending: December 31, 2016

          President/Business Agent-------------------------Travis W. Bornstein
          Vice President-------------------------------------------------Kevin King
          Secretary Treasurer/Business Agent--------------David M. Richards
          Recording Secretary---------------------------------------Boyce Greene
          Trustee------------------------------------------------------George Meade
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------Cliff Roberts
          Trustee--------------------------------------------------------Brian Gibson
          Business Agent/Organizer-----------------------------David Richmond


Teamsters Local No. 24
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